Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gluten is not my friend

I have a confession to make...I might have eaten some gluten in my Thanksgiving meal. I went to a friend's house and did ingest some gluten (unintentionally), but paid for it for days. I realize just how sensitive I am and how cognizant I need to be. Normally I am very conscious of what is in EVERYTHING I eat, but that day was not the day. 
I want you all to know that it's so important to make sure everything you eat, touch and drink can have wheat in it. I am here for you to ask questions, tell me concerns you've had and your story. Celiac Disease is a life-long disease and I hope to help in some way for those concerned, suffering and surviving the lifestyle, because it IS POSSIBLE. On a lighter note, tonight I am going to a blogger event at Whole Foods. This event will be “A Night with Chef Chad Sarno”. This will be a great opportunity to meet other bloggers, get ideas and spread the word of 'Gluten-Free Living Is Possible'. Keep an eye out for the next post about the event.